various eucalyptus, local clays

Dadirri - Indigenous concept translating to ‘deep listening with respect’.

Healing Warraroon is site specific to bushland in Lane Cove where a section of trees have deliberately been poisoned. 
Made out of reclaimed native timber, press-moulds were activated during a gathering to heal the site through craft and ritual. The motifs reference the creatures and plants in the area. Local clays that absorb toxins from contaminants and are nutrient rich were used to create multiples of ephemeral talismans. These were placed around the pathway near the trees, symbolising the interconnectedness of all living things. The act of repetition of forming and then placing each talisman on the ground acknowledges the wrongdoing that occurred when the trees were poisoned, encouraging reciprocity between caring for land and caring for self. 
In gratitude I acknowledge Aunty Mary Goslett for teaching me about Dadirri and Aunty Amanda Reynolds who both provided guidance to this project

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